
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Oregon Vortex

Author: Sara Vaughn

Early in the 1920’s a land was discovered where one of the best roadside attractions was built. It was finally opened to the public in the 1930’s, this land is now a place where you now go take a visit. John Litster let the attraction be where you can now pay and figure out what the attraction is. John Lister was a geologist and mining in engineer.  Anytime you want to see an attraction the Oregon vortex is a place to take a visit. This could also be known as the “House of Mystery Shack” or “Forbidden Ground” (Oregon Vortex) they have the names because in the early 1920’s the native Americans horses would stop and not go anywhere near the land. This interesting land has been around for so long so now let tourist come see their experiences firsthand.

The Oregon vortex is a great place to take a group of kids to understand illusions and get a great experience what an illusion is. This attraction has open business hours for visitors to come, they can also let you experience how the illusion is viewed. They do this by letting you have a firsthand view of how the illusion works. The attraction is an open place to take classes and they give discounts to school groups or any groups. At the Oregon vortex is appears that it anyone standing towards the “south magnetic” will appear tallest and then if its “magnetic north” they will appear shorter.

The Oregon Vortex has had “FBI investigators” (Grant Butler) use equipment to measure the demensons and the angles or the house. They have figured out some interesting things about this house that a normal house cannot do. According to Grant Butler, in this house a broom at a regular house cannot stand on its own but at the Oregon Vortex it can. Another example they had is instead of a ball rolling downhill, the ball would roll uphill.

Works cited:
Battistella, Maureen Flanagan. “Oregon Vortex (House of Mystery).” ​Oregon encyclopedia, March 17, 2018, XbMwDehKiUm​. Accessed 25 Oct. 2019.

Randi, James. “The Oregon No-Vortex.” Skeptic, vol. 10, no. 3, Sept. 2003, pp. 6-7. “The Oregon Vortex” Accessed 25 Oct. 2019

Wikipedia contributors, Wikipedia, October 18, 2019 . VersionID: 914462878. Accessed 25 Oct. 2019

Finn J.D. John  February 28, 2010. 80 years, Oregon Vortex keeps experts guessing. Accessed 25 Oct. 2019

The Oregonian, OregonLive. Jun 22, 2017 Is the Oregon Vortex real? ​Roadside attraction remains a mystery of perception​. Accessed 25Oct. 2019

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