
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Stull Cemetery

Mason Mauldin

After all my research on Stull Cemetery, I have learned that you do not want to go to Stull, Kansas. There’s more to this story, but I want to get that out here in the beginning.
For over a century, Stull Cemetery has been linked to countless legends involving witchcraft, and satanic cults. Blake Smith explains that the people of “Stull has suffered enough from the drunken idiots who were disappointed at the lack of supernatural activity”. The vandalism by visitors of Stull Cemetery has taken a toll over the last one hundred years. Erwin Seba said “Any little damage to a headstone could cost up to $25,000”. The people of Stull are fed up with the disrespect of the visitors and journalists that disrespect Stull and the Cemetery, and are not afraid to prosecute them, or to get the law involved. Stull is such a tiny town, and not even really a town based on the population, just a collection of a few houses, a church, and a graveyard. However, the small population of residents is not all that encounters Stull, Kansas. The place is believed to contain a number of residents that are from beyond this earth. In addition, the town is also home to a number of legends, and strange tales that are linked to the run down church and Stull Cemetery itself. Taylor explains there have been devil sighting since the 1850’s, and explains how the people buried here at Stull Cemetery had died from painful deaths, and that that’s why this location is so haunted. People have heard all the horrific and mysterious things that has happened at Stull Cemetery, like sprits appearing at midnight, and the noises heard over the years. According to the legend, the gate to Hell was either under or next to the little church in the cemetery. Taylor, and urban legends have tied the place, and have said that when the Pope flew over the US he had his plane divert around Kansas to avoid flying over unhallowed ground which, is Stull Cemetery. Some people have even told stories of seeing Satan himself on Halloween night, at midnight. Matthews said that even with all the hate, and horror towards the cemetery. The front gate is still wide open for visitors of family and friends, still putting fresh flowers that are propped up against the shiny new graves from the new burials. Overall this research has really opened my eyes not to step foot in Stull, but will you be brave enough to go check out Stull, and Its haunted cemetery for yourself?

Works Cited:
Matthews, Dana. "Haunted Stull Cemetery Is America's Most Off-Limits Portal to Hell." Week In Weird. 05 Jun 2016.

Smith, Blake “Keep the Hell out of Stull” Atlanta Examiner, 20 Oct 2010. doi:

Seba, Erwin “Legends linger around Stull Cemetery.” Lawrence Journal- World Kansas. 01
Nov. 1999. doi: 0030003905.

Taylor, Troy. "Stull Cemetery! One of the Seven Gateways to Hell?" Apr. 2002.

Blackwood, Kendrick. “Old Tree Comes Down in Stull Cemetery” Lawrence Journal- World
Kansas. 31 Oct. 1998. doi: 0010095081

Links for further research:
Stull Cemetery Kansas study
This video is a study of people around Kansas and what they have heard about Stull Cemetery and the church. It goes into detail about the cemetery and why it is haunted. 

Halloween in Stull
This documentary talks about Stull on Halloween night. It also describes the people of Stull and how upset they are with the vandals of the cemetery.

Describing Stull Cemetery in detail
This article by Weird U.S. describes the Cemetery and town in detail. It also goes into detail about the hauntings and demonic figures around Stull. 

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