
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Mayan Prophecy December 21, 2012


 Many people had the belief that the world was going to end on December 21, 2012. One reason that many human beings believed this is because they misinterpreted a date on the Mayan Calendar.The specific date of December 21, 2012 had a specific meaning,which many experts believed was the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one, for the Mayans. Some believed that the world was going to end. Others believed that the world would turn into total chaos, and some even believed that Jesus Christ was going to return on this date. However, many people did not understand how to read the calendar correctly, so they got the wrong meaning for this date.

As Chris Holly mentions in his article“2012: The Mayans and Other Strange Predictions of Our Time”, there is no one person on planet Earth that can fully explain the Mayan calendar. He explains that even scientist could not explain the meaning of this date on the Mayan Calendar. He also states that many scientists thought that the interpretations of this date were blown out of context and proportion due to the lack of knowledge of how to read the Mayan Calendar.  Others found the fact that many people thought that the world was going to end on December 21, 2012 to be quite comical. Rich Deem is one of these people. He even creates and article, “The Real 2012 Prophecy: Mayans, Nostradamus, and Planet X, Oh My!”,giving his satirical thoughts of what this particular date meant (Deem).
Even though these thoughts seem comical now, we have to look at it from the perspective of when these thoughts were wondering through our heads back in 2012. If the millions of people who really thought that the world was going to end had been thinking logically, they would have realized that no living person on Earth can predict the date of the world’s destruction. Many people argued that many of the signs that were in the Bible either were happening or had already happened. However, the Bible also states that the return of Jesus Christ, thus the world’s end, could not be predicted by any person on Earth.
Some people who thought that the world was supposed to end on December 21, 2012 still believe that this belief is true. However, if they use basic critical thinking skills, they would realize that this obviously is not true, because the world is still revolving today. With this being said, many people should make sure that they completely understand the material that they are reading before they announce publically their wrong beliefs. Had someone who knew how to read the Mayan Calendar correctly and to the fullest, many people would not have panicked about the world ending on December 21, 2012, and that could have saved a lot of people from suffering from the decisions that they made from believing this false fact.
Works cited:

 Deem, Rich. “The Real 2012 Prophecy: Mayans, Nostradamus, and Planet X, Oh My!”. 20 January 2012. Web. 3 October 2015. This article is satirical. The purpose of this article make fun of the crazy assumption that the world would end on December 21, 2012. This source is unique because not only does it make fun of this assumption, but it also gives the real explanation of this date. This source is helpful because it explains the meaning of this date. The audience for this article is the general public.  As written on the satirical website, the audience for this article is anyone who thought that the world was going to end on December 21, 2012.

Grant, R. Jeffrey.  2012 Doomsday with Pyramid. Photograph. Rapture Forums. Rapture Forums, 2015. Web. 15 October 2015

Holly, Chris. “2012: The Mayans and Other Strange Predictions of Our Time”. 21 December 2012. Web. 30 September 2015. This article talks about the many beliefs that people had about this date and why they are incorrect. The purpose of this article is to explain the false assumptions and give the true meaning of this date. This source is unique because it both explains common mistakes and the true meaning of the date. This source is helpful because it explains why these assumptions were wrong. The audience for this article is the general public. As written on this satirical website, the audience for this website is anyone who would like to know the true meaning of this date on the Mayan Calendar.

Links for further research:
Evidence for God
This article is satirical, so the information that it provides is what others thought this date meant on the Mayan Calendar, and what the author thought (playfully) this date meant.

This article talks about the many beliefs that people had about December 21, 2012, and why these assumptions were incorrect.

Chiron Communications
This article talks about why only Mayan experts are able to interpret the Mayan calendars, and not anyone else. 

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