
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Unlucky Number 13

Lilly Shoaf

Along the years an unlucky number has been passed down through myths and words left unspoken rather by actions left by the unlucky day known by Friday the 13th. According to many different articles I have read, there are to be many different superstitions about the number. An article entitled “The New Encyclopedia Of Judaism.” talks about different religions and how the number affects them. A few religions the number haunts the most is Christianity, Judaism, and Romans. In the article “13 Reasons People Think the Number 13 is Unlucky”  it’s more explained of what those reasons are. In Christian beliefs there was thirteen people at the Last Supper. It’s said that Judas Iscariot is the one who betrayed Jesus and was the thirteenth man to take his place at the table. With Christianity, many Christians believe that Jesus was crucified on Friday. Researchers, however, believe that it wasn’t a case of Friday the thirteenth. It was possibly Friday, April 3rd. Many Christians believe that Cain and Abel’s debacle took place on that date. Another Norse legend that article talks about is a legend that has twelve Gods sitting down at a banquet when the thirteenth God, Loki, shows up, whom is uninvited. He kills one of the other Gods, which led to events that resulted in the death of a bunch of Gods, a slew of natural disasters, and the eradication of everything on Earth except for two human survivors.

Everyone has heard of Friday the 13th, but some people don’t know what the superstition is about though. In the article “FRIDAY THE 13TH” it talks about how scared people are about the date. Some people won’t even go outside their home. The number thirteen continues to have an unlucky association today. Thirteen is so disliked that many cities do not have a 13th Street or a 13th Avenue, many high-rise buildings avoid having a 13th floor, some hospitals avoid labeling rooms with the number 13 and many airports will not have a gate 13! The origin of fears surrounding Friday the 13th is unclear. There is reportedly no written evidence of Friday the 13th superstition before the 19th century, but superstitions surrounding the number 13 date back to at least 1700 BC.

Symbolism tells us different things about the number. It says that the number brings the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to the spirit. The number brings bad luck and misfortune. There is many different things the unlucky number symbolizes. Mostly scary, superstitious beliefs that cannot be proven.

Works cited
“Image of elevator.” Photograph. Bury. Bury, 13 July 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2015

“Why is 13 an Unlucky Number?” Video. Stuff You’ve Probably Wondered. YouTube, 20 August 2013. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.

"Ead Ml Yode'a." The New Encyclopedia of Judaism. Eds. Geoffrey Wigoder, Fred Skolnik, and Shmuel Himelstein. New York: New York University Press, 2002. Credo Reference. Web. 13 Oct 2015.

Moore, Steve. "Friday the 13th." Chambers Dictionary of the Unexplained. Ed. Una McGovern. London: Chambers Harrap, 2007. Credo Reference. Web. 13 Oct 2015

Conradt Stacy. “13 Reasons People Think the Number 13 is Unlucky” 3 January, 2013; n. pag. Web. 7 October 2015.

Further research
Greenberg, Julia. ”Friday the 13th: History, Origins, Myths and Superstitions of the Unlucky Day”International Business Times. 13 January 2012. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
This article is about the superstitions of Friday the 13th.
"Numerology." The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide. Abington: Helicon, 2015. Credo Reference. Web. 13 Oct 2015.
This article is about how numbers connect to the world of humans, compared to the structure of
the universe.


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